Loretta Carney

I was scared when I first got here. I didn’t know who to trust. Within 24 hours, you all changed my whole attitude. The kindness, the general respect was more than refreshing; it was uphill after that. To be treated like a human being and not invisible was nice. The nurse told me I was a shining star, I’m going to keep that as an affirmation. You all kept this star shining and I’m blessed and grateful for my new family. It’s hard to put into words how the girls here have made me feel. They celebrated Mother’s Day with me and made me cry. Right now, I’m just hopelessly in love with you all. My roommate was the perfect fit. I have a new family with her as well. It has been an amazing adventure. I did physical therapy here, wow! They laughed at my con ball jokes! I’ve been to PT before, I’ve seen people stick to the script, but here, they made it fun and challenging. I’ll leave you with this, ‘sometimes, God lays you on your back, so you’ll remember to look up and talk to him.’ Your fingerprints are on my heart forever!

Easing Your Transition From Hospital To Home


Rehabilitating You To
Your Optimum Health

Rehabbing Care is who we are and what we do. Our singular goal is to accelerate your return home.


A Heightened Approach To Every Point Of Care

We are living in unprecedented times. Unprecedented care delivery is our resulting mission.


Personalized Attention that Optimizes Medical Outcomes

Care Navigation™ is a collaborative approach to the coordination of YOUR care.


There When You
Need It Most

The Urgent SNF™ Service supports a global healthcare expectation for the right provision of care in the right place at the right time.


Opportunity Awaits!
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